✨ do you want know our program & offering for the ~ harvest retreat~ in more detail? ✨
below you can find more information!
~ Thursday 19/9 ~
- 2 – 5.30 pm slow arrival: we’ll be ready to welcome you and accomodate you in Arruda
- 6 – 7 pm dinner
- 7.30 – 9 pm opening circle: let’s meet and understand what brings us together
- 9 – 10 pm gentle movement: allow your body to arrive in Arruda through slow movement and a guided meditation
~ Friday 20/9 ~
- 7.30 am early bird breakfast
- 9 – 10.15 am morning yoga with tami: let’s start the day by waking up our bodies and clearing our minds with stretching and meditation
- 10.15 am free time: this time is for yourself to shower, walk and/or journal
- 11 – 12 hrs brunch
- 12 – 1 pm kitchen clean + free time
- 1 – 1.30 connection circle: introduction to heart circles & a bit of orga by momo
- 2 – 4.30 pm cacao connection ceremony: Roby will delight us with a cacao ceremony to open the heart according to the teachings of the indigenous in America including a singing circle to open our communication channels.
- 4.30 – 6 pm free time: you can grab snacks and go to the forest, journal deep downloads or simply rest, this is your time
- 6 – 7 pm dinner
- 7 – 8 pm free time: allow yourself to digest and be slow or *transform yourself* for the däncefloor
- 8 – 10 pm ecstatic dance & movement to loosen up: Tami will invite us to dive into a journey through music and movement, slow, sensual, wild & free
- 10 – 11 pm collective rest
~ Saturday 21/9 ~
- 7.30 am early bird breakfast
- 9 – 10.15 pm morning yoga by tami: let’s start the day by waking up our bodies and clearing our minds with some breath work and stretching
- 10.15 am free time
- 11 – 12 am brunch
- 12 – 12.30 hrs small free time – let`s get ready for the forrest faeries! 🧚
- 12.30 – 3.00 pm harvest walk: momo invites us to connect to our selfs while connecting to nature on a vision walk –
- 3- 3.30 pm small free time & snacks
- 3.30 – 5.30 pm integration circle: after the vision walk we are invited to share our experience, what we felt and saw and can integrate it also through sharing, journaling, a poem or art
- 6 – 7 pm dinner
- 7 – 8 free time and altar preparation: feel free to take time for yourself and if you feel the call you can come and help to prapare the altar for our equinox ritual
- 8 – 10 equinox~ceremony: the time to harvest has arrived, night and day will have the same length and we’ll be receiving the new autumn season. We’ll start with an equinox explanation, setting intentions about what to let go and bring to our lifes during this period, light-up candles and sing. Hopefully we can have a bon fire! (this depends on nature and rain)
~ Sunday 22/9 ~
- 7.30 am early bird breakfast
- 9 – 9.30 am morning moving meditation: let’s have a short active meditation to wake up our systems
- 9.30 – 11 closing circle: let’s open our hearts to share what have been our key experiences and what we are keeping in our lifes after this beautiful gathering in nature
- 11 – 12 hrs brunch
- 12 – 1.30 hrs cleaning house & packing
- 2 pm time to departure 🙁
PS: You might be wondering why there are so many breaks? The overall intention of the retreat is to ~ harvest ~ the fruits of this summer and to slow down for the autumn to come. From our experience this offers space to connect with yourself, with nature and also the group in the free time and to not overload with offerings.

** This program is subject to change if a team member gets sick or also depending on the weather we might change the overall structure, but this way you can get an idea of our intented offerings.**
~ sign up & pay ~
Please follow this link and answer the questions sincerely so we can a sense of you and the group. We will get back to you within 7 days with more information about payment options.
~ find all the details on the retreat page ~

All photos on this website are from Khaled.mov